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 Manners & Life Skills 1


This is an advanced class for dogs that have completed either Puppy Primer or Foundations

(or equivalent).

Manners & Life Skills is the next step after the fundamental classes to improve on those skills.  

This class will provide you with more advanced training focused on ensuring your dog interacts appropriately with people and other animals as well as teaching them to adapt to different situations and environments that they may experience in life.

What will you & your dog learn?

- Quicker Response to Cues:  Improve your dog’s ability to respond immediately to cues, making communication smoother and more effective.
- Proofing "Stay" and "Come": Strengthen these essential cues in different environments, ensuring your dog performs them no matter what.
- Focus Around Distractions: Teach your dog to maintain their focus even when surrounded by noise, people, and other dogs.

New Skills Introduced:
- Quiet Sitting or Lying Down: Your dog will learn to settle calmly while you engage in conversation with others, promoting good manners in social settings.
- Proper Greetings with Other Dogs: Instill polite behavior during dog-to-dog introductions, helping your dog feel more comfortable and confident.
- And much more!

This class combines indoor and outdoor training. We’ll start with the basics in a controlled indoor setting, practice at home, and then take those skills into the real world—perfect for everyday situations! Join us for a fun and engaging experience that will enhance your dog’s training and strengthen your bond!


NOTE:  Winter classes will be indoors unless weather permits outdoor opportunities

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