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As of November 25, all classes are postponed


Our number one priority during this pandemic is the health and safety of our clients and instructors.


To that end, we are implementing the following precautions to protect our clients and instructors from Covid-19.

What we require from our clients:

  • Limit 1 human per dog ** (see exception below)

  • Sanitize or properly wash your hands upon entering the facility

  • Maintain physical distance from others in the class (minimum 2 meters or 6 feet)

  • Refrain from interacting with dogs other than your own

  • There may be no playtime for dogs

  • Masks are optional (they will become mandatory if cases spike in our area)

  • You must not come to class

    • if you are sick 

    • have traveled outside Canada in the last 14 days

    • are a close contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid-19


Exception ** If the registered owner is a minor, one adult can accompany them to class


Class times will be 6:15 and 7:45 to allow half an hour between classes to give instructors time to clean and sanitize.

We will be limiting classes to a maximum of 4 dogs. 

Older adults and people with medical conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and lung disease appear to be at higher risk of becoming very sick.  Please let us know if this applies to you and we will try to make other arrangements. 

These measures will remain in place until advised otherwise by Alberta Health Services.

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